Smt. Sudha Murthy…… My role model

I have found the stories of many people inspiring but Smt. Sudha Murthy mam was very encouraging. An exceptional human being. Born in a middle-class family in shiggaon, Karnataka. Her father was a surgeon. Dr. Kulkarni and her mother Smt. Vimala Kulkarni. She is the youngest of all her siblings. As a child, she was enthralled by the stories her grandmother told her during their holidays. She grew up to be a very smart girl. Academically she was very good. Completed her B.E. in computers (first woman Engineering graduate from the university) and M.E. from the Indian Institute of Science. She was awarded the gold medal in her graduation and post-graduation for her excellent academic performance.
When she read an opening for a job in TATA which said women not allowed, she was upset and wrote a post card to JRD tata asking about the gender discrimination. She was immediately called for the interview, found suitable and was posted in Jamshedpur on the shop floor. A profile which women did not take up earlier. When she decided to quit the TATA group post her marriage, JRD had told her to give back to society more than what she got, which she followed without fail. She got married to Sri. Narayan Murthy. Together they started INFOSYS which is today a leader in software technology. Slowly, she moved away from the company affairs and started involving in Corporate Social responsibilities. Started the Infosys foundation. Worked in the heart of rural Karnataka for the uplifting of children who are deprived of food and education. Slowly, they moved helping the deprived in healthcare, midday meal schemes, destitute care, and many such philanthropic activities. She is an excellent author who delivers her stories in a simple language that can reach any person or child. On the whole, she is an inspiration to many kids like me who would love to give back something good to the society. Jai Hind.

Sushameendra jamadagni – Class 10J,
Vikas the concept school,