
Malala Women are oppressed under the stress of housework. Women are not allowed to study,go out,or live independently. Malala Yousafzai has fought for women’s education. She knows women are capable of anything and everything. She inspired me a lot. Her words and speeches were very inspiring. She made me know that women are not slaves, they are the ones who save the world. She wanted every woman to study, gain knowledge and be independent. She wanted the woman to come out of their fear and be strong. Her words changed my life drastically. She made me more assertive and courageous than I was. A Taliban opened fire on her head. Even after that incident she never felt weak or helpless. Instead she felt that the incident had made her stronger and more powerful And confident. These words made me know my values and what a woman is capable of and how valuable she is. A woman can do anything she wants. No one has the right to say no to what she wants to do. Malala inspired me in this way. For me she is my super queen and my inspiration.

Shaik Shahnab – Class 8B,
Vishnu School,