Do you know what an inspiration is? Yes, the one from whom we learn. Do you know we all have a common inspiration . That is our mother. From the starting of the life till the ending we learn many things from our mother. my mother is my biggest inspiration. why? Let me tell you.
20 years from now a simple middle class girl having a older sister and 2 younger brother studying in college studying day and night to help her family financially, with dreams in her eyes, passion of doing something, got graduated at age of 24, got a job, got married at age of 28, gave up an opportunity of becoming a software engineer just because she wanted to raise her kids, have family. Still having a smile on her face, not even a bit of regression of losing her dream. Isn’t it similar to listen. Yes it is because this is life of most of our mothers. Not just this she gets up at 6, works the whole day does not matter if she is sick, having cold, having fever and sleeps after we all sleep, but she still smiles hearing and remembering her past. She says we can’t change the depends on you if you cry thinking about your past or just laugh at your mistake and move on.
Our mothers are the best inspiration we can have.

Sania Pimpalshende,
Vikas The Concept School,