Kiran Bedi

Housework is however looked after by women. But, when it comes to outer duty, they are considered weak. Here is a short story on India’s first IPS officer, Kiran Bedi, about how hardworking she was —
The Governor of Delhi had called her. She was not sure what to expect. He called her inside, looked at her and asked, “Do you know why I have called you here?”. “No Sir”. “Kiran, the Asian Games start in a year and Delhi’s traffic is chaotic. I want you to look after the roads”. She was stunned. It was a huge responsibility, which had been proven to become the proudest moment of her life.

Every morning by 8, she would rush onto the roads in her white ambassador car, which had a loudspeaker set. She would give orders whenever needed. One day, she noticed 7-9 cars parked in front of a ‘No Parking’ sign. The very next day, keeping this situation in mind, she hired all the cranes throughout the city and gave instructions to the Sub-Inspectors to tow away any vehicle parked wrongly.

All the people began to park their cars in the right way, afraid that ‘Crane Bedi’ would come! Once, one of the officers noticed a VIP’s car parked wrongly on the road. Not caring about the owner, he towed away the car, which turned out to be PM Indira Gandhi’s car! The news spread like wildfire, and was the only headlines of all the newspapers of the city. But Kiran Bedi encouraged the officer and congratulated him for performing his duty. There were many protests by the people of Delhi naming this situation, but eventually, everyone was by her side and respected her for being fair.

Women can change the state of the globe, only if they would get some support and encouragement. People should play fair and respect women for their hard work.

Pallavi Karanam – Class 7H,
Vikas The Concept School,