Throughout my life, there have been many people that have influenced my life in many aspects, but there is only one person who had the most impact on me as a person. My mom, The woman who gave my life and never asked for anything in return. The woman who was there to watch every step and picked me up when I fell. My mom isn’t just my superhero, best friend,role model. She is my inspiration. Her strength through life has been remarkable. I Have seen her go through the hardest of times. She is a fighter who never gives up, no matter how hard it gets. My mom has taught me so much throughout my life. My mom taught me my worth as a person. My mother is a perfect example of what I aspire to be. Everyday, this woman inspires me to the best I can. Her support,drive,strength and heart cannot be just found anywhere. It’s hard to even put into words how much I admire her, but I know that if I am having a bad day or need advice, she will drop what is doing to make sure I am ok. Ever since I could remember, my mom is everything for me-Teacher, friend, advisor and many more. Whether I become successful in the future depends on me. But she will love me unconditionally. My mother has always been a very strong role model to me and growing up with someone like her to look up has made me who I am. She has helped me grow. She taught me to always love,care and give back to people and to never criticize or make fun of others because you never know what they have been through in life.My mom has made sacrifices and works hard to give me everything. The things I have learned or continue to learn from my mom are endless. She has taught me to be a better person. I am very thankful to her. My mom will continue to inspire me. Everything she always did was more than just love.

Nihitha Reddy Yennam – Class 10B,
Vikas The Concept School,