Inspirational Story – Sania Mirza

Sania Mirza, the female tennis player, has brought laurels to the Indian nation and is continuing to do so. In 2015, she became the first female Indian tennis player who gained the number one position in doubles. Her success story is driven by passion, hard-work, commitment and dedication. A sports prodigy who began playing the sport at the age of five, she has never missed her routine training sessions for 23 years.

She has always concentrated on her game, in a truly professional manner. Her biggest source of support has been her family. Her family did not hesitate to drive across state boundaries in a car to enable their daughter to participate in tennis tournaments.

Sania’s story motivates each individual, especially each woman to strive for what she believes in, and to never lose hope in the face of baseless negative criticism. It was not as though her life was a bed of roses and she won every tournament she participated in, she did have to face several defeats. But her defining trait, i.e, always clinging onto hope even in the darkest times, held in her good stead.

Nidhi Kulkarni – 10B,
Vikas The Concept School,