The most important person in my life is my mom, My mom has inspired me in many ways , she always tells me to do the right thing , she always supports me , my mom is the most important person to me , she taught me how to be a good person , when i do something wrong she corrects my mistake , she is always there for me when i am in trouble ,she finds a solution for my problem, she has sacrificed many things for my happiness , my mom is every thing for me; docter, teacher,friend, advisor and many more . She does a lot of hard work. My mother has always been a very strong role model to me , she taught me to always love , care and give back to people, she has taught me how to be a better person. I am so thankful for her, my mom is the woman who always inspires me.

Anishwa Chittimella – Class 7,
Vikas The Concept School,