Determination Of Mary Kom

The woman who inspires me the most is Mary Kom. She lived in a village in North-East India. She was a normal village woman of Manipur, India. Her determination and grit to become a boxer is what inspires me. In school she used to participate in every game like volleyball, badminton and athletics but the one who told her to switch from athletics to Boxing was Dingko Singh in 2000. She then started training in Imphal with her coach K. Kosana Meitei. Dingko Singh gave her the confidence and a dream to become a boxer and K. Kosana Meitei gave her the training to make that dream come into reality. The inspiration which get from Mary Kom is that ‘Everything Is possible till you don’t give up’
Happy Women’s Day!

Aditya .N – Class 6F,
Vikas The Concept School,