MY Inspiration

A mother’s and a teacher’s contribution to a child’s life is enormous because a child has to spend most of his time with them. An excellent teacher and a dedicated mother give life to a child and his imagination. My teachers and my mother are an inspiration to me. My beloved is Mrs.Kavita Tandon,my computer science teacher at school.She is a very humble teacher. She has been our mentor in many of my ventures(competition). These ventures include Mindchamps, Collins National Coding Competition, SDG-Choupal competition, Design Thinking Competition..etc. She is always there to help us with a smiling face. Kavita Ma’am has helped us resolve issues unbiasedly whenever we have had problems coming to a conclusion in any project.Being a mother herself, she is always : understanding; caring; a patient listener; and a passionate teacher.She has always taught us with great interest and her classes have always been interactive.She is most likely unaware that she possesses a huge golden heart that seems to glow on the most gloomy days.Working with her on many projects, I have learnt and improved in areas like collaboration and teamwork.She has helped me enhance many skills like creative thinking and communication. She has helped me grow into a confident person I am today.

My mother is my backbone because she is always there for me when I need her. My mom’s selfless and unconditional love cannot be compared to anything in this world.She has always taught me to treat the world the way i want to be treated. I have always seen her being kind, polite and courteous to everyone around her. She is my best friend, a great advisor and is always there to make things easy for me. She has always given me courage to battle obstacles.

On this Women’s Day and every day I would like to Thank God for giving me these wonderful and awe-inspiring women. Happy Women’s Day to every woman who is an inspiration to the world.

Mohammad Aarish Khan – Class 8,
Epistemo Vikas Leadership School,