The meaning of Life

When I think about a woman who has impacted my life in such a beautiful way, Mrs.Weiss automatically pops into my head. This is because she reminds me of one of my favorite books of all time- Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. It’s written from the perspective of Mitch himself, a former student who once had a very close relationship with his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. However, over the years, they eventually drifted apart. But after Mitch had a personal revelation that material possessions would never bring him true happiness, he eagerly seeks to reconnect with his once dearly loved professor, mentor, and friend, Morrie, who was on the verge of death due to ALS, in order to learn “The Meaning of Life” (my favorite chapter of the book).

The reason I like this book so much is because just like Mitch, I too have a Morrie in my life. My 4th and 5th-grade teacher, Mrs.Weiss, is my Morrie. Mrs. Weiss has always been and always will be my favorite teacher. She understood, transformed, and inspired me like no other. Mrs. Weiss exuded a passion to educate, uplift children, and create supportive environments in her every endeavor. As a matter of fact, it was Mrs.Weiss who inspired me to become a doctor. Recognizing my passion for medicine, she gave me the nickname “Doc,” which inspired me to pursue my interests and empowered me with the confidence to believe in myself.

During middle school, seeking to reconnect, I went back to visit her but soon found out that she too, just like Morrie, had a very limited time left on this Earth due to cancer. I savored the time we had left together in which she blessed me with words of encouragement, motivated me to dream big, and leave a legacy of positivity wherever I go.

She taught me to never waste a minute with those you love because time is the one thing you can never get back. I’ll always value those 2 years I spent with Mrs.Weiss. The smiles we shared, the lessons I learned, the excitement I felt -these are what make up the “Meaning of Life.” I hope to keep her legacy alive by following my dreams of becoming a neuro-oncologist and giving people a reason to smile just as she did for me.

Just like Mitch, I’ll never forget my Morrie. Her teachings, values, and greatness will forever be cherished and held in my heart. Thank you, Mrs.Weiss . Thank you for inspiring Doc and thank you for helping me discover my “Meaning of Life.”

Riya Achuri